
Syntax highlight in preformatted text

Write language name after triple backticks (```) and content of preformatted text will be highlighted.
This is example:
 ``` ts
 let projectName: string|null = null;
 projectName = 'Famabara';
Of course, you shouldn't start backticks-line with a space.

Golang syntax highlight example:
package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	fmt.Println("Hello, from Go!")

Javascript syntax highlight example:
console.log(2**2**3); // 256
console.log(2**(2**3)); // 256
console.log((2**2)**3); // 65

SQL example:
SELECT p.id, p.title FROM posts p LIMIT 10;

For C++ write "cpp", not "c++".
For C# write "csharp", not "c#"

Famabara uses highlight.js for syntax highlight.
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